창의력 올림피아드


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창의력 올림피아드의 추천서 자료 입니다

미국대학입시 추천서 Sample 3

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 180회 작성일 23-09-06 17:52


September 1, 2017

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am submitting this letter in support of Jim’s application for admission to the Class of 2022 at Michigan State University.

I have been Jim’s supervisor at Bellevue Coffee since he was hired in April 2014. In this time, he has consistently shown himself to be a steadfast, professional, and pleasant employee. Though this is his first job, he has demonstrated professional instincts and a bulletproof work ethic since day one.

A short anecdote to illustrate Jim’s character:

Last Sunday, our early shift barista called out sick. While I, as store manager, would normally cover such an expected absence, I was otherwise occupied with a family medical matter. I reached out to Jim, and he enthusiastically volunteered to take this early shift, even though it meant a 16-hour day for him.

Though Jim routinely works 20 hours per week, I understand that he has only improved his grades since starting this job. Being a first-hand witness to his quick-thinking, judgement, and ethic in the workplace, it is hardly surprising to hear that he again made the dean’s list last spring.

I have no doubt that Jim will be a successful member of the class of 2022 and offer my wholehearted endorsement of him.


Ryan Shannon


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사이트명: 세계창의력 올림피아드(Odyssey of the Mind World Finals / OM) 대한민국 국가대표 선발대회

주관: OM 한국본부, 세계창의력올림피아드 대한민국 조직위원회

전화: 02-574-5551 / 팩스 : 02-578-5552 / 이메일주소 : ootmkorea@daum.net

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