창의력 올림피아드


창의력올림피아드 자료실 입니다


창의력 올림피아드의 역대도전자료 입니다

1980 Long-Term Problems

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 809회 작성일 22-06-14 15:10


Wild Vibes 1979-1980
The team is to create musical instruments and play from a specific selection of tunes. The team will form a "band." (No previous musical ability is necessary.) The tune/tunes must be played for a minimum of one minute and a maximum of two minutes.

Go, Rocky, Go 1979-1980
The team is to design and build a device that will carry five pounds of granulated rock (i.e., sand, gravel, etc.) as far and straight as possible. The only energy input allowed to move the device is the same five pounds of sand. The sand is allowed to fall/move from a height of 2 feet. This is approximately 10 foot-pounds of force. (5 lbs. x 2 ft. = 10FP)

Superstructure 1979-1980

Gone Fishing 1979-1980
Design something to help your team catch fish. Different fish are worth different points. The easier fish are worth less and the more difficult fish are worth more. In a 3-minute period see how many points your team can score.

Robby, the Anti-Smoking Robot 1979-1980
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health and people should stop, or better yet, never start! Our friend Smokey is a 30-inches-high smoker and we want him to quit. We have talked to him time and time again, but to no avail. It's time for your team to create Robby, the anti-smoking robot. Robby Robot will travel a distance of approximately 6 feet, remove a cigarette from Smokey's mouth, place it in a can, pour an ounce of water on it, speak to Smokey, and travel another 6 feet to Robby's pad. (The quicker the better.)


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사이트명: 세계창의력 올림피아드(Odyssey of the Mind World Finals / OM) 대한민국 국가대표 선발대회

주관: OM 한국본부, 세계창의력올림피아드 대한민국 조직위원회

전화: 02-574-5551 / 팩스 : 02-578-5552 / 이메일주소 : ootmkorea@daum.net

주소 : 서울시 서초구 양재동 263-1 서울빌딩 3층 / 홈페이지 : www.odysseyofthemind.co.kr