Primary Goal: Students will learn about the recycling process and the importance of preserving the environment. Secondary Goals:
Learn how recycling plants operate
Develop a campaign
Plan a community event
Create a skit
Prep Time 2 hours
Grouping -- Individuals -- Entire class -- Small groups -- Larger groups
Research Sources Internet Library Magazines Local recycling facility
Materials Handouts Art supplies
ACTIVITY Explain the process of recycling, starting with the household. Explain how recycling helps to protect our environment. Have students research the recycling process and share their findings with the class.
EXERCISE 1 Have the class name five items that are recycled and five items that are not. List them on the board and explain the differences.
EXERCISE 2 Investigate the recycling practices in your community. Have students volunteer to tell how his/her family recycles. If possible, invite a guest speaker from your local recycling facility.
EXERCISE 3 Have students research how a recycling plant works and what types of products are produced at these plants. Have them list uses for commonly recycled materials such as glass, paper and plastic, and then imagine potential uses for recycled materials.
Have students imagine a community with no recycling. Discuss alternative ways of preserving the environment if recycling is not an option. These could include using biodegradable products, increased use of pollutant-free products, and so on.
Divide the class into groups of 5 and have each group present a short skit about the before and after effects of a community once it begins to recycle.
Discuss how a campaign works. Have the class develop a campaign to encourage others to recycle. Divide the class into groups of 3 students and form committees, and have each group work on an area of the campaign. Some things to include in the campaign: slogan, brochures, flyers, a TV commercial to air locally.
Have the class plan a public "special event" where the community can come and learn about recycling. Develop strategies to attract people to the event, and plan activities that will entertain and educate them at the same time. Include recycling-related prizes and handouts.
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: Age 12 or younger How does recycling affect the animals in your area? How does it benefit the world?
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: Age 12-15 What recycling factories exist in your community or state? How efficient are they? What is the rate of production? What recycling systems are used in other states and countries?
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: Age 15 or older Compare different recycling systems from around the world. What are some obstacles of recycling? What percent of the world recycles? Speculate the reasons why some countries do not participate in recycling. What are the dangers to our recycling systems?